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Tuesday 17 May 2011


It's been nineteen long days since the completion of my PPL-checkride. And boy HOW long these days have been! To be honest, I never really knew waiting could be this stressful. Or would painful be the more appropriate term to describe my feelings at the moment?

My hands are itching
My legs are cramping
My stomach is aching

 ..well, maybe not quite that painful, but it still has surely been a loooong journey. As I was writing this post I decided to take a look at my logbook and for a while I was struggling to believe my own eyes. Imagine this: between my first logbook entry and today there are a total of 438 days! That's an eternity, downright a lifetime!

Patience certainly is not one of my best attributes. I guess I just have to cope with it and hope that they'll send me the licence soon enough! :)
“Patience is the companion of wisdom.” - Saint Augustine

By the way, welcome to my new blog! Hope you'll find something interesting to read on your stay here (although I'm still not so sure about everything to write here, so it will probably take a while until this blog gets a successful take-off).